Summer Wedding Gift

cognac decanter home bar

Etched glass decanter with couple's names for a wedding gift

Summer Love

Going to any weddings this summer?

Ah, summer weddings, True love, families reunited to laugh, cry and eat the worst, over-priced catering food you’ve ever regurgitated into your aunt's purse.  Faces will be smashed with cake, groomsmen will make you cringe and the awkward yet enthusiastic intergenerational dancing will be burned deep into your memory.

What To Get?

And then there’s the gift.  Do you get them that savory food juicer that they registered for or scour the whole internet for that perfect gift that references the crazy night in Vegas when all three of you came home with Britney Spears tattooed on your backs (I know, the show is amazing!).
How about something to commemorate the day?  Something that captures the newness of their names now permanently together.

The Perfect Gift

How about a personalized set of decanters for their home bar?  Choose a set of their favorite spirits with the names of the married couple and the date they made it official.  

And if nothing else, it will serve as a clear reminder for their anniversary because you know someone's bound to forget.


A couple's name custom etched on the back of a decanter for the perfect wedding gift

A couple's names and wedding date etched in a glass decanter for the perfect wedding gift


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